Summer Camp 2012

Are you interested in a stimulating, educational opportunity for your child this summer? You should check out our In a Child’s Path summer camps!

A Day at Camp

Campers start each day by helping with morning chores, such as collecting eggs, cleaning stalls and feeding. By keeping the numbers small we are able to give each child the opportunity to learn how to handle different types of animals. Children learn how to interact and relate to the animals, developing trust and their own self confidence. After the farm work the children will spend up to 4 hours focusing on whatever minor focus they would like from eggs, chicks and chickens to making strawberry jam. We will have gardening incorporated into each week. Each child will be given their own journal when they arrive their first day at camp along with their own equipment for the week’s activities. The last hour of camp will be spent wrapping up the day in review and journaling our experiences. Afterward we will enjoy lunch together.

Your child will love In A Child’s Path Summer Camps. Contact us now for more information.

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